Category: self help

  • Learning To Love Ourselves

    Learning To Love Ourselves

    Our doubt concerning our self-worth is the main obstacle to our emotional and inter-relational harmony. This doubt is the cause of our greatest fears such as being rejected, laughed at, ignored, unloved, and most of all, of being alone.

    Loneliness and Doubt

    Loneliness is the disease of our age, and its cause is self-doubt. Fear of being alone is perhaps our most ancient one. It comes from the fact that in the past, he who was not accepted was ostracized from the group. In those days, that did not mean simply feeling lonely, but also being unable to survive.

    Another factor that makes us fear rejection or not being accepted by others is the fear of being punished by them or by God. We have been brought up to believe in a God, whose love is conditional, depending upon whether we are perfect in His/Her/Its eyes or not.

    Childhood Programming

    We receive messages from our parents and other important persons throughout our childhood years concerning whether and under what conditions we are good or worthy.

    As children, we learn from adults that we must measure our self-worth by:

    1. What others think of us.
    2. The results of our efforts in school, our profession and life.
    3. Our appearance
    4. How we compare to others.
    5. How much we know.
    6. How much money we have.
    7. And various other conditions

    Our doubt of our self-worth then becomes our greatest obstacle to inner peace, harmonious communication and loving relationships. These doubts are the foundation of most of our negative emotions and relationship conflicts.

    *** If we had more self-acceptance, we would have less need to prove ourselves to others. ***

    Then we would not feel offended so frequently and we could overlook others’ negativity and be at peace with them regardless of their behavior.

    Let us now look at how we can increase and stabilize our self-acceptance.

    The first step is to discover the situations in which we lose our sense of self-worth or self-acceptance.

    The reasons we most often loose our feelings of self-worth are examined in the following questionnaire.


    In which situations do you lose your sense of self-love, self-worth, self- esteem or self-acceptance?

    1. When others ask for your help and you * do not say “yes” *, or do not respond.

    2. When you have * made a mistake * or have * failed * at some effort.

    3. When * others are more capable * than you are at certain tasks or concerning certain qualities (i.e. intelligence, artistic ability, speech, sports, cooking, professional success, their children’s success, economically, making friends, employing disciplines).

    4. When * others attract more attention, * esteem and respect in a group situation.

    5. When others * have offered more to you * than you have offered them.

    6. When you are * not perfect *.

    7. When * others criticize, are angry at or reject you *.

    8. When * others do not agree with you or believe that you are wrong *.

    9. When others * are able to manipulate you *.

    10. When * you have “created” pain * for others.

    11. When you are * not in harmony with your conscience *.

    The accompanying more detailed questionnaire will help us determine more clearly when we lose our feelings of self-worth. We suggest that as you read through it, you mark those items that might relate to you.

    I Tend to Lose My Feelings of Self-Worth:
    (Worth what; love, happiness, health, success, satisfaction?)

    1. When others criticize me, blame me, or do not approve of me.
    2. When others are angry with me.
    3. When my children, spouse or parents are not happy, healthy, successful, or satisfied.
    4. When I do not know as much as others around me.
    5. When I do not have an intimate relationship partner.
    6. When my house is not clean and in order.
    7. When my partner shows interest in others.
    8. If I am not successful professionally.
    9. If I do not have enough money.
    10. If I am not attractive to the opposite sex.
    11. If I do not make an impression on others.
    12. If I do not have many sexual successes.
    13. If others do not respect me.
    14. If my child is ill.
    15. If I do not have what others have.
    16. If I am not perfect.
    17. If I do not achieve many things.
    18. If others are able to cheat or mislead me.
    19. If I do not have
    20. If I do not do
    21. Other reasons


    Once we have established the particular situations or stimuli that obstruct our feelings of self-worth or self-acceptance, we will need to separate our answers into two groups.

    1. Those which have to do with * social programming * and not with our conscience. In such a case, we need to analyze each reason separately as we attempt to discover and change the beliefs that cause us to lose our self-acceptance in those situations.

    When we lose our feelings of self-worth because of social programming we are buying into societies illusions concerning who is worthy and who is not. We are measuring ourselves by superficial standards set by society such as money, appearance profession etc, and not by our conscience, such as honesty, love, sincerity, selflessness etc.

    2. Situations in which we reject ourselves because our * actions are not in alignment with our inner conscience *. We behave toward others, as we would not like them to behave toward us. Our answers to 10 and 11 in the first questionnaire might indicate such situations.

    In such cases, we are interested in how we could react differently in those situations so that our behavior is in tune with our conscience.

    In these second cases which have to do with conscience, we will most often find that we behave in such ways because we are being controlled by the previous categories if social beliefs.

    For example we tell lies (matter of conscience) because we believe that our self-worth depends on what others think about us and thus want to hide the truth from them

    The final solution for the matter of self-worth is to realize that all beings deserve love and respect exactly as they are regardless of all their flaws simply because they are unique aspects of divine creation- just as all flowers and all of nature.

    In such a case, we must not confuse one’s ability and/or morality with worthiness of love and respect. As aspects of divine creation all deserve love and respect regardless of ability or morality.

    The difference is that those who have ability deserve positions of greater responsibility that those without. While those without morality do deserve our love and respect they may not deserve trust or freedom to move about in society, until they are healed of their problem.

  • Build Your Self Esteem

    Build Your Self Esteem

    Some people seem to have been born with a great deal of self-confidence. This is not really the case, although healthy self-esteem does stem from childhood. Young children who are influenced by caring parents and other adults who take the time to instill a sense of self-worth will grow into confident adults.

    Children who do not grow up in a positive atmosphere will likely suffer the pain of low self-esteem in adulthood. They will feel bad about themselves and lack the confidence needed to realize their goals and dreams. The worst part of all is that low self-esteem is totally false. Every person is someone special, with unique talents and gifts that no one else can offer.

    Convincing a person of low self-esteem that they are special is not easy, but it is essential in rebuilding his or her sense of self-worth. How we view ourselves, and our accomplishments, will ultimately determine how we act and react in everyday situations. If we expect people to think of us in a negative way, it’s almost certain that they will. On the other hand, if we think people should value us, they most likely will. Treating ourselves with respect will encourage others to hold us in high esteem.

    Building self-esteem is not always easy to do, but there are tools and programs available to help. Some people choose to acquire and use self-help books, videos, tapes, and CDs. Others seek professional counseling. Improving self-esteem starts with changing the way you think about yourself. By reducing negative thoughts and increasing positive ones, you will naturally build your confidence and your sense of self-worth.

    It can take time and hard work to let go of negative childhood influences and rebuild self-esteem. With help and patience, anyone can improve their self-worth. The effort will be rewarded with a greater sense of value and the confidence to meet goals and strive for bigger and better things.

  • Self Esteem and Transformation

    Self Esteem and Transformation

    We can use various practices to improve our self-worth. It is important to build our self-esteem in order to withstand the nonsense that goes on in our life each day. When one has low self-worth, he or she places little value on the self, which can lead to laziness and depression. The conditions will cause many other problems to develop, including illness and disease.

    Self-worth is the value that we place on the self. We can use several methods that will assist us with making personal transformations while building self-esteem. To build self-worth one has to cultivate a positive mind while making a few adjustments in his or her life and person.

    Keep in mind, having balanced self-esteem is never easy since people of all lifestyles will try hard at tearing down what you have built up. You want to cultivate and build staying power and positive energy since you will need it to stand firm once you have cultivated and built your self-esteem.

    How do I build my self-esteem?
    All of us are different, so it depends on what you feel is more assuring for you. For instance, some people build self-esteem by relying on people’s compliments, while others do not need others to make them feel good about who they are. For the most part, one will need to use positive influences both externally and internally to cultivate and build self-worth. This means you will have to make some personal transformations in order to build your self-esteem.

    One of the most powerful ways to build self-worth is through physical exercise. Many case studies have proven that those who exercise reap many rewards, including confidence, self-esteem, self-control, self-reliance, positive thinking, nice bodies, healthy minds, healthy bodies, and so on.

    Writing is another way to build self-worth. You can make positive transformations through writing since it allows you to express your feelings and thoughts privately. Instead of fearing that you will say something to hurt someone else, or say something stupid, you can write down your thoughts and feelings without others hearing them. Once you have written them down, you can assess your feelings and thoughts in order to build your vocabulary, reading skills, writing skills, and observation. You also build self-esteem, because your personal transformations are positive.

    Meditation is another option that will help you build self-worth. You can make positive changes by meditating each day. Meditation allows you to probe into the mind and relax. Relaxation is helpful since you will feel refreshed. Probing into the mind will help you with finding answers to your problems in which you can use the information discovered to solve problems effectively.

    Yoga too is helpful. If you buy the instruction manual, which walks you through yoga step by step you will improve your overall life and health. Yoga teaches you self-discipline, which is a link to self-worth and personal transformation. This is because self-discipline connects one with self-control, willpower, and self-will. With willpower, you will have a higher plane of the strength of mind and will.

    There is no better feeling in the world. When you are empowered, it makes you feel like an eagle soaring into the wild blue. You feel strengths that make you feel sometimes that you are on top of the world. The empowerment from positive change also makes one feel as though they can do anything they put their mind to. And they can.

    The empowering feelings that come with positive change and self-worth alone, should initiate you to take action today. Instead of living your life on threads, pick up your torture stake and head in a positive direction.

  • Balancing Self Confidence and Self Worth

    Balancing Self Confidence and Self Worth

    Self Confidence and Self Worth obviously have a lot to do with how well we do in life. However, what confuses the picture is that the two terms are often used as if they have the same meaning. They are really very different things.

    Self Confidence is about how we relate to the world. Self Worth is about how we relate to ourselves. Naturally, these two things are interlinked and one affects the other. But, they bring very different gifts and very different skills.

    Self Confidence gives us the ability to make things happen in the world. It helps us set goals and achieve results. When our Self Confidence is high we attract people through our ability to get things done and ‘be out there’. This makes us good talkers.

    Self Worth helps us value other people for who they are (rather than what they do). It helps us build friendships and relationships based on mutual caring. When our Self Worth is high we attract people through our ability to just ‘be there’ for them and to be with them. This makes us good listeners.

    If Self Confidence is high and Self Worth is very low then we get out of balance. It can make us tend to put on a show and feel hollow inside. If this goes too far we can end up unable to enjoy our successes. While others are giving us a congratulatory pat on the back we feel like kicking ourselves as being undeserving. When our Self Worth is low we may tell ourselves “If only they knew what I am really like”.

    If Self Confidence is very low and Self Worth is high then we get out of balance that way too. It can make us tend to hide out with our friends, family, or people we feel ‘comfortable’ (or an acceptable discomfort) around. We may walk in someone’s shadow, hide behind a powerful boss, or someone who ‘protects’ us from the world (even if they are nasty otherwise). We may have things we really want to do with our lives (intensely so), but make excuses as to why it is OK to do nothing about it.
    When it comes to finding a partner or finding a job, a lack of Self Confidence or Self Worth will obviously get in the way. Self Confidence helps us establish an initial connection; Self Worth helps us relate in ways that create a healthy relationship. Self Confidence helps us meet people; Self Worth helps us make friends with them.

    Without Self Confidence we have trouble creating success because we don’t even try; without Self Worth, we have trouble creating success because we never actually feel ‘successful’ no matter what we achieve (or we may sabotage our efforts out of a feeling of being undeserving).

    Our Self Worth and Self Confidence can be affected by what other people say and do. However, they are also both affected by what we say and do. They are very much affected by what we decide about ourselves and our own values and what we tell people about ourselves. Ultimately it is our decision whether we feel good and happy, or not. Whatever we cultivate and whatever we tolerate is what grows.

    People with strong Self Confidence are, of course, naturally comfortable functioning in situations where confidence is what is required; but they can feel very challenged by situations where Self Worth is what is needed. People with a strong sense of Self Worth are naturally comfortable in situations where Self Worth is what is required but likewise can feel very challenged when confidence is needed.

    We often unconsciously try and find a balance by attracting people of our opposite type either at work or in relationships. This allows us to function as it gives the benefits of the other persons’ strengths. Yet that is really an unhappy alliance, in the long term, it is really a matter of finding the balance in ourselves.

    Self Confidence can be boosted by positive affirmations like: “I am successful”, “I now create great relationships”, etc..
    Self Worth can be boosted by positive affirmations like: “I deserve success”, “I am worthy of a great relationship”, etc..
    People often feel awkward working on the type of issues which most affects them. If either of the above types of affirmation is a turn-off for you the chances are that is the very type of issue you need to work with. Any such discomfort soon passes and, if you give yourself a chance, you can become a healthier person by working directly on whatever of these issues specifically affects you.

    Now that maybe you have a better idea of which aspect of yourself you most want to work on, I suggest checking out the Self Help section of your local bookshop and seeing what books ‘call’ to you. You will just know what is right for you, or you can have fun checking out some new ideas to see what fits.

    Being out of balance between Self Confidence and Self Worth is a bit like having one leg much shorter than the other. If we are not careful it makes us go around in circles! If your life feels a bit circular at times then that is a very good sign you need to grow the other side of your nature.

    It may be that by making a very minor change in attitude, and finding a better balance between Self Confidence and Self Worth, you can become much more effective in your life. It will make it much easier to walk in a straight line.